Details for this torrent 

Vista 5456 32bit DVD
Applications > Windows
2.61 GB

+0 / -0 (0)

Jun 26, 2006

The latest build of Vista. Keys from Beta 2 will still work. New in this build:

Improved Setup/Install speed

Faster network browsing

Smarter networking setup

New & cleaner icons 

Logon screen shows what version u have installed

mouse pointer Aero themes

More descriptive task manager

Nvidia driver included

Updated UAC

New network discovery panel

New choose network screen

Smaller file size this time around. (2.6+ Gigs for the 32bit) The 64bit is smaller too. This is .rared also.


är de fullversionen av windows vista??
för 2.61 gb är ju lite stort för att vara en beta
Very Slow.
Please seed if you upload, jroc74, otherwise it is pointless...
Fullversionen släpps inte förrän nästa år. 2007 alltså!
Ok. I normally am here to monitor my uploads and make the adjustments to get it uploading.
Is there anyone here that uploads to the Bay alot that can give me tips? The Bay always give me problems connecting: uploading or downloading. I wanted to use the Bay cuz I was rushing and didnt have time to go thru Demonoid.

Its the read deal. Both the 32bit & 64bit are smaller in size. If yall still have problems connecting I can post a couple of announce urls to load in ur torrent app to help speed things up. Im just happy Its seeding now cuz I had throttling issues with my ISP recently. But on my end its seeding as a type this. I may put priority on this torrent, I also seeding another torrent elsewhere. Thanks for the patience

* I only speak English, sorry.
ok I just made this the sole torrent seeding, Yall should see a speed increase.
One more thing: I just went thru Demonoid so there will be ALOT more folks on this soon. And I see 3 seeders (yes that includes me) so just hang in there ppl. I will post the other announce url to help speed up thing here.
Thanks for the efforts, jroc74. This torrent is highly appreciated, I can assure you. I will continue seeding ahen I'm done (I am at 71% now).
i deleted the nfo after I extracted the iso. Could someone please post the serial number here?

mucho gracious
Its doesnt matter if u have keys from the public Beta 2. They work too. And they work for online avtivation.
I just scraped the tracker on Demonoid. This has 50 seeders so it should have good speeds.
The key either dosent install and/or let u activate online. And today is the last day for getting valid keys from MS.
Forget this. DL speed was terrible. Find the WinBeta torrent file. I think that is where everyone is on this DL. Had it in under under 4 hrs. The key enclosed is not the same one for 5384. Here it is: R4HB8-QGQK4-79X38-QH3HK-Q3PJ6
Just to check, can this be applied as an upgrade on 5384, or does it have to be installed as a fresh version, and if it can be applied as an upgrade, can it does one need to execute at boot or can it be done within Vista (in the same way as running a repair install on XP)??
I see 81 seeders/725 peers. If its slow NOW....sometings dead wrong. Maybe it was slow when it first started.
It cant be done at boot up. The upgrade has to be from inside Vista. (like upgrading over XP.)
Cheers jroc - the info helps :) Nowjust have to wait for it to download.
Just another question - I sourced another copy of same file which is using the bitcommet tracker - there are way less seeders, and yet is blitzing the download speeds for this somethingwrong with the tracker here??
Its wild cuz the BitComet tracker one is using a udp url only. I had to use DHT to connect to it.

That torrent's the same as this. (I started me download from it b4 going thu IRC) I did this to help ppl who couldnt connect to that one. Just put the announce url in with this one to connect to those folks or vice versa.

I dont get it cuz I see mad seeders for it here.....Then Im helping to seed the 64bit one so im not on this one right now. (But with 80+ seeders I shouldnt have to be on this one....)
Tracker url for the other one:


Put it in with this one to connect to both trackers. In utorrent its easy: right-click on it in the main window, go to properties, put it in the big box and hit ok. U need to space em so your torrent app can pick it up.
Cheers for that.....average d/l speed gone from around 8 kB/s to 20-25 kB/s Will haveto remember that trick ;)
quote: "The key enclosed is not the same one for 5384...."

Um skowfritt, I hate to state the bleeding obvious, but there is no one single key build 5384 - or any of the Vista builds I would presume. ANY of the keys for Beta2 should work for this build, including the one you gave. Just be aware that the Vista keys have a 10 site/pc limit, which is what might have caught you out with the one you first tried
Is it safe to install this? Or is there many bugs etc. because its not the complete version... and will it be struggle with drivers etc.?
No ofcourse it is not wise to install on a production PC. It is when you just wanna play around.
Kazopu, I've happilly adopted as my primary OS - have had little probs with either hardware or software compatability. Would however reccomend disabling "Windows Search" (which is an indexing service - not vital) via the msconfig panel - not all aplications are cleanly hooking into this service yet, which can drain your CPU resources. Apart from that, all smiles
Anyone spotted a torrent yet for the newest build (5472)?? Apparently released last day or two, so eyes peeled :)
Yea I upped it on Demonoid. (there is a external one uppped there too) I cant use the Bay anymore. I have too many issues with the tracker here.
send me a pm if u want a link for the 5472 :)
I see one upped to here but its 64bit..
ok I see BuKO's torrent now too :)